i know men are delicate
origami creatures
who need women to unfold them
hold them when they cry
but i am tired of being your savior
and i am tired of telling you why
- Ani Difranco
miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2008
Origami boy
martes, 19 de febrero de 2008
lunes, 18 de febrero de 2008
Un nuevo "miedo" para la sociedad capitalina, cómo si no fuera suficiente con el alza de precios a la canasta básica o el gasolinazo. Se chingan chilangos, porque quién sabe de donde y quién sabe cuando sale otro 'unabomber' a dar un paseo explosivo por la ciudad
El encuentro de dos vecinos de Tepito... ¿será una serendipia? de todos modos la pobre mujer ya se nos fregó por estar en el lugar y momento incorrecto.
Citando la columna de Lydia Cacho, Plan B: "[…] Aunque al ser cuestionado sobre las implicaciones del estallido, el secretario de Marina, Francisco Saynez Mendoza, aseguró que "todo mundo se acostumbra a las bombas, se pierde la capacidad de asombro". El marino en jefe se refiere a la normalización de la violencia.". ¿Qué clase de imbécil dice eso? ¿Tendrá el cerebro nadando en agua de mar? SI, es obvio que la violencia es pan nuestro de cada día pero por qué habríamos de acostumbrarnos a los madrazos, no creo que en Israel y Palestina la gente diga "¡Poca madre! Ya explotó la casa de mi vecino, me caía bien gordo" o que alguien haya tenido un mal día y diga "¿Por qué no me explota una bomba en la cara?"
Me pregunto cuál será el chiste detrás de todo este montaje, ¿lo habrán hecho por qué va a subir el pollo y el huevo? ¿Por la visita de la reina de Dinamarca?, ¿Las normas antiterroristas prohibirán que los yucatecos digan "bomba"?, ¿Por qué siempre nos quieren dar atole con el dedo?... Sin duda alguna, es un misterio mas para este país de chocolate.domingo, 17 de febrero de 2008
LSD = longevo
¿Podrá ser que el LSD te haga vivir muchos años?
En la imagen: Albert Hofmann, 102 años. Descubrió accidentalmente una de las drogas alucinógenas mas poderosas, el LSD (ácido lisérgico-25). Estaba en su laboratorio experimentando con líquidos quimicos y sin querer se le derramó el LSD en la mano introduciéndose por los poros. Tomó su bicicleta y de regeso a casa veía como el sol y la luna se ponían al mismo tiempo, y cómo dragones lo rebasaban en las calles. (fuente: wikipedia)
En el anden
El final fue lo mejor, sabía que bajabas en la próxima estación y te hice saber q mi viaje continuaba al sentarme en el asiento solitario para una solitaria como yo; ya estabas frente a la puerta y seguías viéndome, yo también, me puse muy nerviosa y me reí. El tren se detuvo, bajaste, me estabas viendo, yo me reía, tu sonreíste, te asomaste mientras la puerta se cerraba y te salude, sólo hiciste cara de "soy un tarado"... y si lo fuiste
tal vez el destino nos ponga en el mismo anden otra vez
lunes, 4 de febrero de 2008
Shuffle Thing
¿Cuál es tu perspectiva de la vida? Protection - Liars
¿Qué piensa tu familia de ti? Steal my sunshine - Len
¿Que piensan tus amigos de ti? Una batalla mas - Thermo
¿Qué piensa la gente que no te conoce? Complicated - Avril Lavigne
¿Cómo ha sido tu vida amorosa hasta ahora? Poster of a girl - Metric
¿Cómo será en el futuro tú vida? This Place is a prision - The Postal Service
¿Te casarás? We will become silhouettes - The postal service
¿Serás exitoso? Sad Girls - Pretty Girls Make Graves
La canción sobre tu vida. It won't be long - Evan Rachel Wood (the Beatles)
Tu mejor amigo y tu son? Afterglow - Travis
Para los tiempos felices? Naked - Avril Lavigne
Para los tiempos tristes? Escena final - Belanova
Para todos los días? Laila - Melodías arabes
tu pareja? The spoils of the spoiled - The New Amsterdams
tu sueño? Gold Lion - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Tu alter ego: Recuerdos de la boda - Kill Aniston
Tu perspectiva del mundo: Yellow - Coldplay
Vale la pena aquello a lo que te dedicas? Cayman Islands - The Kings of Convenience
Que opina la gente de lo que dices? Shiver - COldplay
Tu mayor defecto.- Blue Skies - Albert Hammond Jr.
Tu más grande virtud.- De pie - Thermo
Tu cuerpo.- Memories - Eisley
Tu vida.- Hell - Squirrel Nut Zippers
Fantasía sexual.- Simarik - Tarkan
Mueres por? Krafty - New Order
Que piensa la gente cuando ve tus ojos? El Diablo - Tsunami Bomb
sábado, 2 de febrero de 2008
andrea is so cool
andrea is the biggest loser of all
andrea is having issues with the planning of her birthday
andrea is wonderful
andrea is the youngest
andrea is so cool
andrea made me cry
andrea is recorder
andrea is spell
andrea is ready to serve breakfast
andrea is the best
andrea is proving an apt pupil
andrea is a distributed
andrea is an exclusive
andrea is done
andrea is a prolific designer and designs 100's of new pieces each year
andrea is a beautiful name
andrea is transferred to methodist hospital psychiatric unit and is diagnosed with a major depressive disorder
andrea is known as the queen of spanish television and especially of telenovelas
andrea is outgoing while not insincerely bubbly
andrea is an up and coming independent singer/songwriter who is starting to make it big in the northwest music scene
andrea is back haha
andrea is a force to be reckoned with
andrea is a
andrea is also an aspiring actress in her spare time and has now appeared in two films directed by alan parker
andrea is presently the director of the beautifully created program
andrea is the first known woman carver of may generations of carvers
andrea is big for her age
andrea is in 5th place after the short program at 2001 midwestern sectionals
andrea is for me
andrea is there
andrea is 33 years old and is a cpa
andrea is the youngest and the shortest of the four corrs
andrea is rich
andrea is the youngest as well as the shortest of the siblings
andrea is working on her new album and it will contain vocals again
andrea is an
andrea is a second year student in the experimental psychology program
andrea is dressed in mismatched
andrea is always fighting for her love
andrea is represented by great lakes performing artists associates at 505 east huron
andrea is a 22 yr old blue
andrea is a member of our senior corps
andrea is the youngest of three sisters
andrea is well
andrea is one of the master hackers that is not that well known
andrea is a nh state licensed and nationally certified massage therapist
andrea is 11
andrea is my friend
andrea is one of amore
andrea is living proof that you can begin to build an advice empire at very little cost
andrea is an excellent teacher
andrea is a graduate of the wild rose college of natural healing in calgary
andrea is also available for programs of swedish traditional music
andrea is a ph
andrea is a beautifully restored former presbytery from the 11th century set within the
andrea is no exception
andrea is one of the few women who has won championships at the high school
andrea is married to paul hurley
andrea is one of the few people i trust to counsel me
andrea is a young woman
andrea is a graduate of oxford college
andrea is the daughter of jack and karleen goodwin of mill creek
andrea is the live in leader for brody
andrea is a cultural critic and a counselor for social justice
andrea is changing into a bird
andrea is very confused
andrea is a very shy girl who lives in austin
andrea is a college student
andrea is on the board of directors of the association of pet dog trainers
andrea is currently studying abroad in australia
andrea is bright
andrea is situated a block from the beach on the pacific ocean and is centrally located to shopping and dining in puerto vallarta
andrea is owner and principal design consultant at andrean interiors
andrea is featured on beach holme's website
andrea is
andrea is busone freie bilder
andrea is a good
andrea is a lucky chick
andrea is a little
andrea is a world class head turner; she is a tall
andrea is a great photographer
andrea is flawless
andrea is recorder
andrea is looking for some news in the internet
andrea is tour transvestite chat
andrea is just 18
andrea is checking
andrea is busy being single
andrea is a hot babe
andrea is called britney
andrea is the best
andrea is the youngest
andrea is honored as a "leader of the 21st century"
andrea is having an "amazing time" at michigan state university
andrea is established in cooperation with european distance education network
andrea is senior vice president for urac
andrea is here well yeah
andrea is one of the most scenic of santa fe hotels
andrea is fast
andrea is building a site for extreme offroaders four wheel drive club
andrea is a graduate of the university of maryland and villanova law school
andrea is "cincinnati's best career counselor"
andrea is a command
andrea is a five
andrea is a former dancer and rehearsal director of bill t
andrea is the author of the speaker's promotion kit
andrea is the definition of
andrea is a second year student in the experimental psychology program
andrea is a fantastic
andrea is covered by a shimmering glow
andrea is one of galileo's students in bertolt brecht's play "life of galileo"
andrea is producing this one
andrea is the co
andrea is in a black bodysuit